Promoting local languages in Higher Education Aims to Increase Inclusivity

Promoting local languages in Higher Education Aims to Increase Inclusivity

Vijay GarG

The perils of imparting higher
education in local languages
While promoting local languages in higher education aims to increase inclusivity, it may also pose challenges to the quality of education

The debate of whether education should be imparted in English or a regional language has been actively rhyming in our post-independent society. It’s true that as a nation we have to preserve our rich culture and tradition, but at the same time, we need to equip our present generation to take up the challenges in the future, like space age and AI.

During colonisation, English was forced on us to make the jobs of foreigners easy. In that process the foreign rulers who ruled our land even learned native languages, sometimes better than native Indians, to understand our rich scientific knowledge. Because of this, they were able to produce scholarly works about Indian Knowledge Systems better than native Indians. This has also helped the world recognise Indian Knowledge in the long run.

On the slip side, the dominance of English has badly affected the status of many native languages. The British educational reforms prioritized English-medium instruction, particularly at the higher levels. This led to a situation where proficiency in English became synonymous with access to power, jobs, and social mobility. Many educated Indians, especially in urban areas, began to adopt English as their primary language, sidelining regional languages. This created a linguistic divide between the English-educated elite and the native-language speaking masses.The historic NEP 2020 envisioned reorienting our attention to regional languages in the education system. Unfortunately, its focus on nurturing local language in science and technology education has become problematic because of hyper activism. Many states are involved in the translation of science, engineering and medicine textbooks into regional languages.

Though these will serve as a valuable document to preserve our languages, they won’t help in improving the quality of higher education.

Even before NEP, in many state universities, there was a provision to write science in their regional languages. But there were few takers for that. Even today when we make propaganda to promote regional languages, it’s not implemented uniformly. All these policy changes, good or bad, will affect only students studying in public sector institutions.

Unfortunately, none of the children of our government servants politicians’ or even activists study in these public sector educational institutions, so they are not concerned about whether it will improve quality or not. So all this language love is ‘only for others, not for me’.

This culture is again creating a linguistic divide in our society, which the British did to us long before.Whether we like it or not, English is the only language that acts as a bridge connecting various sections of our country. And in higher education, especially in science and technology courses where information is gathered from the knowledge generated in other countries, it has become the only language of that can connect us with the global knowledge hub.

How we can generate good engineers or scientists if they are not competent to understand English? Will be there any takers for an engineering or science course if offered in a regional language? How will our future youngsters survive in an AI dominated digital world where English is thelingua franca for the global workforce? How will they survive in a space colony? English is undeniably the global language of science, technology, and research. Most cutting-edge scientific papers, engineering manuals, and international patents are published in English.

Though a bilingual mode of education can be adapted to teach complex scientific facts, totally neglecting English from our higher education will be a death trap for our science and technology. Unnecessary language chauvinism will erode the quality of higher education.

Vijay GarG Retired Principal Educational columnist street kour Chand MHR Malout -152107 Punjab
Prepare yourself in Generative Artificial intelligence
Vijay Garg
These days, Generative AI is dominating the field of Artificial Intelligence. Almost all industries are using AI on their digital platform. Due to this, according to the World Economic Forum, on one hand, some types of existing jobs will be lost, while on the other hand, opportunities for more than 13.3 crore new jobs will be created. Many of which will require AI and machine learning skills. According to the same report, 9.7 crore new jobs will be created in the field of AI and machine learning by the coming year.Jobs will be created. This means that this is the right time for technology professionals and graduates to prepare in this field, so that they can take advantage of these opportunities in the future. While preparing skills related to this important technology, the right ideals will also have to be kept in mind. What is Generative AI? Generative AI is a branch of Artificial Intelligence, which is becoming helpful in creating new content. In this way it is being able to bring big changes in many industries. Writing articles, creating images, and more for social media through generative AI.A. Jobs like composing music and designing products and even coding can be taken up. opportunities and positions It is a rapidly growing technology sector, creating job opportunities in India and abroad in technology-related industries, healthcare, entertainment and finance. AI research scientists, machine learning engineers, and creative AI developers are in great demand in this field. how to prepare ■ For people from non-technical field, if you are from non-technical field, then first learn about Artificial Intelligence andTake an introductory course in Machine Learning. This will equip you with basic knowledge related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. You will find many such courses in Coursera, edX and Khan Academy, which you can do easily. ■ For technical people: If you have a technical degree or are a professional in the tech world, you need to have a grasp on machine learning, natural language processing and other key AI related principles. Python is the ideal language for machine learning and AI. Like Taserflow, Pointorch and as Get information about this library. These tools are helpful in developing and experimenting with models. Practice coding. Gain knowledge about Neural Networks, Backpropagation Optimization Algorithms, Variational Autoencoders (BAE), Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and Recurrent Neural Networks. If you have a good understanding and interest in AI, then definitely consider doing a masters course or advanced course in AI. Your ability will increase regarding opportunities for research work in this field. ■ On real world applications Note: Generative AI is not just coding. Understand how it is being used in areas such as art and writing. Also, a holistic approach in the field of software development, science, marketing and many more will put you ahead. ■ Get practical experience It is important to practice building and training AI models in practical situations. Image creation, writing and translation with generative AI. Participate in competitions like coding bootcamps, hackathons, etc.Work on these architectures to understand how they work. Make connections online and offline with people who are working in this field. Join the forum. Do offline seminars or workshops. ■ Showcase your skills Also create some projects of safe and useful generative AI applications to show your ability in this technology. For this, become a part of the team of open source projects and write useful blogs expressing your knowledge. Find mentors who connect generative AI with creative fields You are known for doing great work. His guidance will prove helpful to you. Learn sector-specific AI skills: With the use of AI, companies improve their products and operations. They will need people who can help with this technology. In such a situation, it is also important for you to have deep knowledge of the particular field. Like the field of healthcare, education, tour and travel. This will increase your ability and importance to get employment. It will take hard work to make your place in Generative AI, but the future is yours.Will happen.
Vijay Garg Retired Principal Educational Columnist Gali Kor Chand Wali Mandi Harji Ram Wali Malout Punjab
Five laws every Indian woman should be aware of

Vijay GarG
India’s vast cultural and social landscape comes with its own set of challenges for women striving for equality and justice. To navigate these challenges effectively, it is crucial for women to be aware of the legal protections available to them. Understanding these laws not only helps women safeguard their rights but also empowers them to ensure their safety and well-being. Dr. Rennie Joyy, Advocate, has shared five important laws with TOI that every Indian woman should know to stay protected.

Equal Pay for Equal Work
Equal Pay for Equal Work
One of the key protections under Indian law is the right to equal pay. According to the Equal Remuneration Act of 1976 (ERA), men and women performing the same job or similar work must be paid equally. This law also prevents gender discrimination in hiring and promotions. By guaranteeing equal pay, the ERA helps women achieve economic independence and ensures fairness in the workplace, particularly in industries where men are typically dominant.

Protection Against Workplace Harassment
Protection Against Workplace Harassment
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, or PoSH Act, offers strong protection against harassment at work. This law requires companies to set up systems for handling sexual harassment complaints and to establish Internal Complaints Committees (ICC). Women have the right to report harassment, which helps create a safer and more respectful work environment.

Protections Against Domestic Violence
Against Domestic Violence
The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (2005) is a crucial law that offers protection from various forms of abuse at home, including physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, and economic violence. This law allows women to seek legal remedies and protection orders against abusive family members. It also mandates severe penalties for offenders, ensuring that women are protected from harm within their own homes.

Access to Free Legal Aid
Access to Free Legal Aid
During difficult times, such as experiencing sexual assault or domestic violence, women often face financial and emotional hurdles. The Legal Services Authorities Act ensures that women, particularly rape victims, receive free legal aid. This right guarantees that women can access legal support regardless of their financial status, ensuring that everyone has a fair opportunity to seek justice.

Vijay GarG Retired Principal Educational columnist street kour Chand MHR MALOUT punjab
Activation vs Stagnation
Vijay Garg
Life is the name of constant movement. As long as there is life, we have to remain active. It is also important for physical and mental health that we keep ourselves active. Constantly meeting people, speaking and listening, thinking, being engrossed in one’s work, being on a kind of continuous journey, definitely gives happiness and keeps one away from depression. But, when from within the mind is yearning for stillness, then wouldn’t it be as necessary and natural as activism to free oneself by going aside for a while?Needed ? It is not that we have to keep going continuously. Some stops will also be necessary for a long journey. Speed ​​is important in life, but a little pause is equally important. Free yourself for some time from unnecessary burdens like a feeling of not doing anything, a strong desire to express something to someone, to show something, to prove yourself, to live up to expectations, to change yourself, or to constantly keep improving. The feeling of liberating. This is the necessary stage of mental pause and rest in life, which makes our further journey meaningful and sustainable.Makes J. The feeling of not doing anything can come in the mind of even a healthy and active person. Actually this is not a mental problem. This can be a way to relax your mind, which can also prevent mental pressure and depression. It is true that if this continues continuously and we are experiencing physical and mental problems, then we should seek advice from a doctor or our loved ones. The feeling of being satisfied in every situation while fully accepting one’s immediate situation or stagnation does not become a hindrance in the pace of the journey. this short break It is very important, so that we can remain moving in the right direction in the right way. Just as being continuously active is not the proof of our existence or life, similarly the state of rest or stagnation also does not announce any end. Sometimes a true and meaningful beginning comes only after a pause. A new path begins to appear which makes it easier to get closer to the goal. The emergence of healthy, innovative ideas is also possible after proper pause and in a calm state of mind. The difficulty is that in all the chaos of life, this essential We are not able to think about rest or pause. While being constantly busy, we do not pay attention to the fact that in reality we have become so active and busy that we are not able to find even a little time to stop and pause. We all have limited physical capabilities. Getting tired after working more than your capacity is a natural symptom. We start needing rest. Mental pressure caused by the agitation of thoughts can be endured for a long time, but its side effect also makes our brain tired.This is the reason why humans have the natural gift of sleeping. It is a daily pause or a daily stop of rest, due to which the necessary maintenance of our body and mind takes place. In order to reach the destination as quickly as possible, we sometimes try to make our body and mind run faster. Keeps the mind unnecessarily active continuously. Even when we sit idle for some time, some thought keeps jumping in our mind. The troubles of the past and dreams and questions of the future keep the mind restless. while In the present, which is our real life, we do not see the immediate opportunities for activity and stagnation. There exists a great deal of apathy in society, in our own minds, regarding mental relaxation. Getting enough sleep at night or going to any tourist place does not mean stagnation in life. For this necessary peace and pause, moments of relief and relaxation can be lived by focusing our attention even in everyday activities. There is nothing better than sitting comfortably in front of a house under construction and watching its construction process.The gardener can be seen working in the garden or sitting on the balcony looking towards the road. By taking time out, you can listen to the pain and suffering of your domestic help and become a partner in her happiness. The people we are watching are active and we start feeling tired even though we are in a state of rest. Many times we get caught in the clutches of unnecessary activism. Even when it is time to rest the body, we are constantly reading or watching something or the other on social media. Do not stop any one of your activities on social media for a long time.Remain active while broadcasting. This activity turns into unnecessary busyness. It does not give us energy, it definitely leaves us tired. Along with activism, stagnation also needs to be accepted with an open mind. We have not learned to wait properly. We are unable to think without separating ourselves from activity and hustle and bustle. When we free ourselves from the bounded patterns and develop a mindset of pause, a truly beautiful world will be in front of us.
Vijay Garg Retired Principal Educational Columnist Gali Kor Chand Wali Mandi Harji Ram Wali Malout Punjab
Life’s amazing game
Vijay Garg
When someone’s wrongdoings are exposed, many times we involuntarily say that his game is over. This comes from the subconscious mind. In reality life is a game. But this is not a short-term game decided by the number of runs in cricket or the number of goals in football, but a long-term game. We do not set a time limit for this. Therefore, it is not about winning or losing, but about playing the game in the right way and making honest efforts for it. In this unique andIn the essential game we have to know and live by our priorities. If we do not know what is important to us and which things, people or places are absolutely useless to us, then how will we live properly? Only after knowing the priorities can we concentrate our attention on them. First of all, it should be known and accepted that in the practical game of life it is never possible for someone to win every game continuously. Therefore one should be prepared to lose also. It is important to learn a lesson from defeat, it is wrong after allWhere did you go? It is also important to know that during this time many games have to be played in which it is better to lose than to win. This rule definitely applies especially in the case of relationships. It is a famous saying that moments of hope and despair in life come and go like night and day. While hope infuses strength and enthusiasm into our lives, despair pushes us towards death. A depressed person starts becoming indifferent and detached from life. He sees nothing but darkness around him, whereas the optimistComes back even from the jaws of death. Actually, life is such a game in which we need the support of countless people, sometimes we have to take them with us and sometimes we have to walk with them. This can happen in the right way only when we are tactful, can talk sweetly with people and learn to be of use to them. We can expect the same from others only if we treat them like this. Our efforts to work towards daily or certain goals in life are first to find out what weHow far away are we from the best and highest possibilities. The core of our work should be the desire to live in a more authentic way. Otherwise we can become a subconscious slave or a conscious servant of unnecessary comparisons, show-offs and jealousy. Scholar James P. Carsey says that life is not an endless game with a defined end, but like business and politics, in which it is more important to keep playing than to end the game by winning. We should enjoy breathing, eating and going about our daily routine. your lifeHas to be nourished continuously. At the same time, efforts have to be made to keep it simple and meaningful. Just as broad-minded leaders are able to build stronger, broader-reaching, energetic and influential organizations, similarly broad-minded individuals can play the game of life efficiently. To improve the quality of life and become proficient in sports, the words of American author and motivational speaker Simon Sinek can be heeded. He says that you must learn five qualities to influence people. lead from the frontCourage to do things, flexibility, competition with good people, formation of a reliable team and belief in moral values. If we want to play this game of life happily, then we should not think like an average, unsuccessful or aimless person, but like the best people. Unsuccessful and ordinary people always think about comfort. His mind is filled with hatred towards almost everyone. They think it’s easier to hate and relax. Whereas the reality is the opposite. loving people and engaging oneself in good deedsIt is easier to keep. Humility, love and hard work make a person flexible and strong, like the grass which survives despite trees being uprooted in a storm because it has the quality to bend. Many people think that life is difficult and scary, but what they may not know is that difficulties make us stronger, experienced and smarter. Friedrich Nietzsche says, seeking challenges is the way to create. Luck in your life is also a matter of not only accepting your destiny, but also loving it and cultivating it yourself.Should also learn. If we don’t want to be part of the stream and want to do something different, then first of all we should stop making things easy for ourselves. The meaningful existence of life depends on the relationship between suffering and fulfillment. To make our life meaningful and enjoyable, we should try to do something good and useful not only for ourselves but also for others from time to time. One should have good feelings towards others and do charity. Waking up every morning, one must think that I am lucky to be alive.
Vijay Garg Retired Principal Educational Columnist Street Kaur Chand MHR Malout-152107

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